FANMail November

FANMail November

This post is part of our monthly FANMail newsletter for everything Sunshine Coast Food & Agribusiness.

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Photo credit: Sunshine Coast Foodie
2021 has been a defining year for FAN and many of our members, as we continued to respond to the challenges and new opportunities arising from the global pandemic.

FIAL Funding
FIAL’s funding ending on 30 June 2021 necessitated a review of FAN’s future direction and how we continue to deliver on our vision of a growing and resilient food and agribusiness industry. Loudly and clearly we heard from our members, partners and stakeholders that FAN’s value proposition lies in our ability to make connections, build knowledge and capability, profile our members and industry, and foster collaboration.

New Operating Model 
Our new Hub & Spoke model was adopted to enable FAN to continue to support and build our ecosystem, and to deliver new opportunities for FAN’s members. Importantly, this model has been designed to increase opportunities and collaboration across our regions, with regionally-based Membership Coordinators working closely together on joint initiatives and continuously sharing insights and connections. We welcomed Jacki, Tanya, Mim and Amy as our Membership Coordinators and are grateful for their efforts in helping us to establish the new model. Thank you also to Rebecca and Nicole for their passion and dedication.

Meet the Makers
FAN’s annual marquee event, Meet the Makers, was met with huge anticipation after being cancelled in 2019. Held in a hangar at Sunshine Coast Airport, 75 FAN members exhibited their produce and f&b products and 500 guests including buyers, media and the business community. In addition to the incredible produce and food and beverage products from across our four regions, also on display was our FAN community – from members introducing buyers to each other, to new friendships and collaborations. We’re also excited to share that Meet the Makers 2022 will be on 3 May. Register your interest here.

Introducing Turbine
In April, FAN together with the Queensland Drinks Accelerator, led a collaborative funding submission under the Australian Government’s Modern Manufacturing Initiative to establish Australia’s first, purpose-built collaborative food and beverage manufacturing and education precinct at Sunshine Coast Airport. Supported by many of FAN’s long-term partners including RDA Sunshine Coast, Sunshine Coast Council, USC and TAFE and championed by Ted O’Brien MP, FAN was delighted to share the news of a successful outcome on 12 November and what this means for our members and industry. View the recent online information session here or read more about the project here.
With thanks…
Over the past 12 months, FAN has had to look within to ensure our foundations are strong to continue to deliver for our members. Read more about this in our 2021 Annual Report. Thank you to our members, sponsors, partners and stakeholders for supporting us through this; we are ready to embark on this exciting new chapter and remain steadfastly committed to our purpose and to making a positive impact for our members and industry. To FAN’s Board of Directors, thank you for your commitment to FAN and the considerable time you volunteer in support of FAN, our members and our industry. Special thanks to FIAL for the funding and support we’ve received over the past 3 years, we wouldn’t be where we are today with it.

Yours in collaboration
Emma Greenhatch

Table of Contents

FAN News

Elected Directors Appointed
At our recent AGM, we were pleased to announce the appointment of three elected directors to FAN’s Board – Jacqui Price (Australian Macadamias), Megan Brabant (McCormick Foods Australia) and Brent Dellar (First Batch Coffee Roasters & The Coffee Training Co). Following the AGM, Jacqui Price was elected as FAN’s Chair and Mark Peters (Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre) as appointed director.  

Congratulations to Jacqui, Megan, Brent and Mark, and we’d also like to acknowledge Roger Desailly (Australian Meat Industry Council) who nominated for the elected position.

Thank you to Paul Fisher (RDA Sunshine Coast) and Sean McGowan (Montville Coffee) who retired at the 2021 AGM. Their support and service to FAN, our members and industry is greatly appreciated and they will be missed.

EPIC Job Taster Partnership
In partnership with EPIC Assist, we are launching the Job Taster program. The program aims to enhance FAN members’ knowledge of employing people with disability and provide brief work experience opportunities in members’ businesses for people with disability. 

FAN members wishing to participate in the project will be provided free disability awareness training at their workplace. They can also have a person with disability undertake an unpaid work experience session for a maximum of 4 hours (1 day a week over 4 weeks). The participants with disability will come from eligible school leavers currently in their final year of school.

Jess Inu – our dedicated Job Taster Coordinator employed by EPIC will support program participants to get the most out of this unique opportunity. FIND OUT MORE HERE.

We’re hiring….come work with us!
To support our expansion and delivery of new member initiatives, we’re seeking a full-time Grants & Business Development Manager and part time Admin Co-ordinator.  Details below – or message us for more information.

Grants and Business Development Manager – details here 
Admin Co-Ordinator – details here 

Member Resources

For update to date details of opportunities available for FAN Members


New Members

Our Partners

Special thanks to FAN’s Partners and Sponsors who provide significant resources towards the ongoing sustainability of FAN and the growth and resilience of our regions’ food and agribusiness industry.

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This post is part of our monthly FANMail newsletter for everything Sunshine Coast Food & Agribusiness.

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