Dear FAN Members and Supporters,
We have made thousands of connections and delivered hundreds of events and activities aligned to our 4 pillars – connections, profile, capability and knowledge.
And we’ve proudly championed our members and regions far and wide.
To be able to do this, we rely on our members continuing to show up and share – these are the ingredients for our recipe for success!

Practically, what this means is that our small team has to spend considerable time and resources servicing our funders instead of our members.
Help us to shift this balance, here’s some ideas on how:
- Invite your peers to join FAN
- Sponsor an event or provide venue or catering (express your interest here)
- Sponsor Meet the Makers (express your interest here)
- Sponsor your local FAN group (find out more here)
- Connect us to potential sponsors from your network (suggest a sponsor here)
- Pay a higher membership fee (set this up here)
- Share ideas for new FAN services and activities here
We love to disrupt for good and generating more income from our network to invest back in our industry would be a FANtastic outcome.
Yours in collaboration and appreciation,
Emma Greenhatch