About Turbine
Turbine’s Collaborative Food & Beverage Manufacturing Precinct will enable SME food and beverage manufacturers to innovate and scale and is set to become Australia’s leading industry-based food and beverage research, education and commercialisation facility with the precinct expected to gain national and international recognition as a blueprint for collaborative manufacturing.

FAN has been a key proponent of the project and led the successful submission to secure funding for development of Turbine. Moving forward FAN’s plays a pivotal role in the project developing programs, opportunities and pathways for industry. Our vision is to ensure our industry and region accesses the great opportunity that this precinct brings to our region.
Latest News

We’re pleased to share that Turbine is now seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from parties interested in leasing space in this new facility.
A total area of up to 9,100m2 is available for lease for food and beverage production. This area is available for manufacturing activities and is supported by shared services as outlined in the Leasing IM. Tenancy sizes can be negotiated, subject to availability.
All tenancies are expected to be available for occupancy from mid-2025, with possible early access for tenant fit-out works (to be determined), subject to progress against construction programming. All configurations can vary depending on tenancy requirements.
2,100m2 of floor space has been allocated for smaller tenancies, initially set at 300m2 each. Tenancies 1 – 7, and up to 7,000m2 has been allocated for larger partnership tenants. As warehousing, offices and shared services are provided outside the Manufacturing space, the 300m2 smaller tenancies may be considered to be the equivalent of a 500-600m2 facility.
The manufacturing tenancies will be provided as a shell with the specified services, features, and utilities provided to specific points in the tenancy.
Tenant fit-out, supply of internal infrastructure such as platforms, and reticulation of services within the tenancy may form part of an incentive package where matched funding is available for qualifying applicants.
Turbine - Industry Update
View this special Turbine Industry Update with Turbine CEO Andy Eves-Brown. Andy share's updates on the overall project and tenancy EOI process - which launched 15th April 2024.