2020 has certainly tested us all. Despite the challenges, we have seen so many of our members not just survive, but transform. And we have seen the past 5 years of building connections and relationships come to the fore, with members supporting each other in many different ways. FAN has also taken a deep dive into its business over the past six months, and we share our exciting plans for 2021 in News & Updates. I’d like to acknowledge the huge effort of FAN’s team and board for navigating us through these complex times.
This is our last FANmail for 2020 and I’d like to thank our members, partners, sponsors and supporters, who inspire us to be greater and continue to believe in a world where we’re stronger together. We look forward to a brighter 2021 and wish you a safe and restful holiday season.
Yours in collaboration,
Emma Greenhatch
Table of Contents
FAN News & Updates

FAN Annual General Meeting - new Directors and updates

A New Direction for FAN

Food & Beverage Manufacturing Hub Ideation Workshop

Manufacturing Modernisation Fund - guidelines announced

Feedback, input and tips welcome!
Got suggestions, input, tips on what you’d like in FANMail – email us.
Member Resources
FAN Member News

Congrats to Hum Honey

2020 a recap

National retail awards

BOS Rural on Landline
Better Business Tips with Bentleys
Business planning tips to improve cash flow
With stimulus measures set to be wound back into the New Year, the true financial ramifications of the pandemic aren’t expected to be felt until midway through 2021. Now, as you start planning for the new year ahead, you can prepare your business for these anticipated changes. Here are three business planning tips to improve your cash flow heading into 2021. Need help creating an effective business or business continuity plan? We offer FAN members a FREE no-obligation 30-minute meeting to discuss your business. Contact us today if you’d like to book an appointment.
Sponsor Spotlight
Buderim Ginger

Our Sponsors
Special thanks to FAN’s Major Sponsors and Partners that provide significant resources towards the ongoing sustainability of FAN and the growth of our regions’ food and agribusiness industry.